Gifts From the Heart
Gifts From the Heart provides a unique way to honor
a special someone in your life with a donation to
our annual "heart tug" project.
Donations this year will help warm body and soul
in the remote High Country of western North Carolina devastated by Hurricane Helene.
Electric blankets and space heaters
powered by generators will be the only source of
warmth for hundreds of families in this isolated region.
Gifts From the Heart is partnering with the
United Methodist Church of Boone, North Carolina
to help meet these needs.
Cards with the lovely image pictured on the right
and a description of the project on the back
are available to send to your honorees.
Donate here and then contact us at the
email below to request cards.​
Gifts From the Heart
is a mission project of the Bold Women of
Lovers Lane, a unit of United Women in Faith.

How to Give:
To make your tax-deduction contribution
It's simple!
Click the button to the right to make your donation.
Contact Mary Wells, Treasurer
Any size gift helps us reach our goal!
Thank you!